Thursday, November 28, 2013


Despite having a massive headache, I am determined to write something today, so here it is.

Thanksgiving is a time for a lot of things; food, friends, and family being among them. To be frank I refuse to write a long diatrab about how Thanksgiving is a time to "give thanks" and how it is really about the generosity of one's heart and so on. I know this, and I know everyone else knows this, so I am not going to go there. I could also talk about my family, and trust me there is a LOT to talk about, both good and bad, but I am not going there either. To be honest, I am rather perturbed and disgruntled about everything and its brother in existence at the moment. But. At the same time I am happy to be alive and to be able to complain about it. So instead of being transparently thankful, or ungratefully complaining, I am just going to leave you with an impromptu poem.

The day begins with waking
And continues with baking
It moves on and on
Like the ringing of a gong

When the times comes to eat
None of us take a seat
The food is not done
The cook has unspun

But We all keep on waiting
Not bothering with debating
The cook though does not quit
All along making quite a fit

I watch and I take
and I take and take and take
But eventually, to my dismay
I say something, I really shouldn't say
Something, I think I will remember
At least till the end of November

But as the food is served not long after
I find that this Thanksgiving to be
Just another chapter
For my friends, my family, and me

 Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving! And Try and give your relatives some slack.

Happy Holidays.

1 comment:

  1. This is my apology for my terrible poetry yesterday, I blame a splitting headache, a full stomach, and a bit too much wine, which for me really isn't a lot. I promise I will right some "real" poetry at some point, not this basic sing song aabbccdd stuff. Anyway, if I get the chance I will be writing a Thanksgiving story today and posting it. Here's to that.
