Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Flash fiction : When I was Young

A friend of mine pointed out to me that I have a massive backlog of already written work, and that I should start posting some of it. Hope you enjoy and feel free to leave comments.

When I was young…

I am telling you Jenny, he doesn’t know how to do anything, not a damned thing. He forgets where he put his hearing aid even though he always puts it in the same place. I know where he puts it because it is always in the same place. Right by the…the…the…could you let that cat out dear? Yes, we always let the cat out at night. Ever sense Monty died back in 92 there hasn’t been no fool animal around to chase the cat. We must have told Monty a hundred times if we told him once not to chase the cat, but did he remember? No. He never remembered. Reminds, me, he forgets to feed the animals too. If it weren’t for me they would never get fed, poor old Monty would keel over after three days. You know, I bet Monty would probably eat Smokey right up, granted he would get a chunk of him even if he weren’t hungry. Where is Smokey anyway? That kitten gets himself into more trouble than a fox in a hen house. Running here and running there, pouncing. He always likes to pounce, pounce, pounce, on everything in sight. It has been hell keeping Monty away from him. I almost regret the day that he brought him home. That tiny little fuzz-ball wasn’t more than a few days old, so small we had to feed it with an eyedropper. Where is that old Tomcat now? You let him out didn’t you? I think he has been out long enough. Let him back in.
Funny. He is usually sitting right there. Oh well, he probably found a mouse. Filthy pests. I remember when he said he would put out traps and clear out the mice toot sweet. He isn’t even middle aged yet and he is forgetting things all the time, maybe it isn’t forgetfulness, just false promises. You listen to me now! Never make a false promise! Never forget a promise! You make enough of those or forget enough times and your word becomes a sieve! A sieve! Won’t hold no water. You hear! You hear!
You…Jenny, have you seen your father’s hearing aid? He said that he lost his hearing aide, I haven’t seen it either. I always tell him that I don’t know where he puts his things, he should leave them somewhere he can remember. Damned fool, I remember when I first met him, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, came right up to me and said, “Hello Miss, my name is…is…is…is…”… Jenny? Have you seen your father?  

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