Friday, December 13, 2013

Recently read

I finished reading this book yesterday; a very interesting read, told in the way of a masterful story teller, and full of casual but effective advice. It was published almost a decade an a half ago at this point, which I did not realize prior to reading. Despite its age, which in reality is really not that old at all, it offers some good advice, nothing unique or ground breaking in my opinion, but over all worth reading.

It really helps to find that the people behind the award winning novels are actually people and not a pack of brilliant demigods whose mere thoughts can cause our wallets to empty, because at times that is very much the feeling.

Stephen King is a honest writer. Of all of the factoids and little details that I gathered from this book that is the single thing that will probably stick with me the most. He writes how he sees the world and does not dip it in sugar or paint it with rainbows. His characters are real and are never embarrassed for appearing on the page, maybe for being caught with their pants down by another character, but never for just being in the story.

King discusses methodology for writing, a few tips, and standard "tools" of the trade, and what you can expect from making writing a part of your life. I would recommend the book to anyone who enjoys reading about writing. Don't let the non-fiction nature of this book scare you away either, King incorporates the story of his own life so well that you are never left reading a manual.

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